The Facereading®Profiling workshop is conducted as an intensive training course of 3 days. The first two days are theoretical modules, and the third day is the practical module.
This workshop is a psycho-educational one; all the information collected during the process is confidential.
FaceReading profiling is an exceptional tool in the business world because it offers a competitive advantage from the start. FaceReading is a shortcut to success: it saves time, money, and saves relationships.
Understanding someone’s features means having direct access to the profile and real identity of that person, even before opening their mouths. If you can accurately predict a person’s behavior, temperament, abilities, attitudes, and aptitudes mean having the ability to predict future behavior accurately.
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Adress: Strada Naum Ramniceanu Street, no. 23, ap. 1, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania