Virtual Reality Therapies - a safe, fast and effective way to treat various diseases
Virtual Reality Therapy provides relief and cure to different conditions with the help of innovative VR technologies.
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) uses specially programmed computers, visual immersion devices and artificially created environments to give the patient a simulated experience that can be used to diagnose and treat psychological conditions.
In Romania ID Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center is the only clinic, representing the Virtually Better Institute, Inc®, USA, which offers patients virtual therapy systems for specific phobias (aviophobia, fear of public speaking, astraphobia, fear of dogs, acrophobia, arachnophobia, gephirophobia, brontophobia, aichmophobia, nyctophobia), alcohol and tobacco addiction and anxiety management relaxation techniques.
Who is Virtual Reality Therapy for?
Virtual Reality Therapy proved efficiency in cases of:
How it works Virtual Reality Therapy?
Each patient benefits from a personalized and exclusive approach.
Virtual Reality Therapy involves 3 stages – Assessment & Diagnosis, Anxiety Management and Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. The treatment contains on average 10-12 exposure sessions of approximately 40-50 minutes, in the presence of the psychotherapist. The person that uses the therapy faces their fear or cue in a virtual world, which simulates the situation generating phobia or addiction.
The patient wears goggles and headphones and experiences visual, auditory, olfactory and kinesthetic (or physical) information immersing them in the situation..
Assessment & Diagnosis
In the first session, we make a general introduction to the program and discuss with patients the reasons that bring them to therapy. We identify together the triggers of fear or addiction.
In sessions 2 and 3, the patient is ready to start the Virtual Therapy sessions. At this stage, the patient participates in an Anxiety Management program in which he learns relaxation techniques and cognitive restructuring.
Virtual Therapy Sessions
At this stage, the patient begins the Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy sessions which can last between 8 and 10 sessions. Depending on the specifics of the disease, the patient is gradually exposed, in a therapeutic manner, to the stimulus that triggers his fear or addiction.
Discuss with a Virtual Reality Therapy Specialist

Nadia Gorduza
Anxiety, Couple therapy, Depression, Fear of flight, Fear of public speaking, Insomnia, Panic attacks, Phobias, Psychological trauma, Stress