What is depression, and how do we treat it?
Depression, one of the most commonly used terms in the last twenty years, has come to describe the most diverse negative moods of a person. Depression is a fall, a slip from a more or less balanced previous state.
Applied to the “human system,” depression means the breakdown of a balance and a subsequent as a mental degradation.
This is an experience that accompanies the human being from the origins of its history: depression is as many years old as humanity itself, is closely linked to human suffering. And people have always faced depression, the lack of desire to do something, the loss of interest, the inability to return to what he was, with misery, in a word. Nowadays, all around the world, over 350 million people are diagnosed with one form or another of depression.
Depressives are people who only show the dark face of the world. Helplessness is always the result of a relationship with one’s person, with others and with the world. Sometimes, however, there is an evident resentment, such as hate and contempt. Thus, depression is not seen as a disease, but as suffering, an effect of various states of discomfort manifested under the same attitude: giving up.
What are the causes?
There is no major cause for depression, but there are multiple causes and aggravating contexts.
Depression is built on conviction, that is, structured thinking. The person feels weaker that a reality they cannot fight, which is why they give up, becoming the victim. Depression looks as if the person in distress would be “paralyzed” by the refusal to do anything.
The behaviour is slowed down, demotivated, the conception of life is negative (“there is nothing to do!”). Pleasure, in whatever form, is absent; a total lack of hope characterizes the state of mind. Depression is the lack of powerlessness, which sometimes leaves place only for lamentation.
The causes of depression can be very varied, from nutritional deficiencies to destabilizing life events. If a person has a relative of the first degree with depression, the risk of that person to develop this condition is three times higher.
Significant triggers for a depressive episode could be the death of a loved one, the loss of the job, or chronic stress factors (poverty or serious medical problems). But also, alcohol or drug use, loneliness or situations that have led to sudden life changes (the case of postpartum depression).
Those suffering from depression need professional advice from doctors and psychotherapists. The urges that many give to depressive people, such as “get over it, forget it,” are useless and even fuel the reverse effect because it stigmatizes the person and accentuates their guilt and loneliness.
No one can cure himself of depression, nor is he guilty of becoming ill. Depression is not “a caprice,” a momentary illness, and does not go away by itself, but it must be taken seriously by seeking specialized help.
Postnatal depression
Postnatal depression is also called „baby blues,” and is a transient period in which the emotions you feel are more acute and disturbing.
You come to mourn easier; you have new worries, you have fluctuations of disposition.
A lot of things irritate you, and you no not sleep well.
This condition targets abut 80% of the fresh mothers and is installed from the first hours after birth, and can persist for up to two weeks.
During the post-natal period, many hormonal changes come along with sleep disorders due to the new baby’s rhythm of life, to which the mother has to connect.
In the first 48 hours after birth, the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and cortisone decrease dramatically, and the risk of having post-natal depression is directly proportional to the personal sensitivity to these hormonal fluctuations.
If it goes beyond two weeks or the symptoms are very disturbing, things are a little more worrying, because only now can we speak in the real sense of the word about postnatal depression.
Depression Symptoms
The symptoms of depression can be complex and vary widely between people. If you’re depressed, you may feel sad, hopeless, and lose interest in things you used to enjoy.
The symptoms persist for weeks or months and are bad enough to interfere with your work, social life, and family life.
Psychological symptoms
- continuous low mood or sadness
- feeling hopeless and helpless
- having low self-esteem
- finding it difficult to make decisions
- not getting any enjoyment out of life
- feeling anxious or worried
- having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself
Physical symptoms
- changes in appetite or weight
- constipation
- unexplained aches and pains
- disturbed sleep
How to diagnose depression?
If you experience symptoms of depression for most of the day, every day for more than 2 weeks, you should seek help.

Depression treatment
Depression, even the most severe cases, is a treatable condition. As with other diseases, the sooner the treatment begins, the bigger the chances of success in treating the depression.
Types of therapies used to treat depression
We combine different psycho-therapeutic solutions
to map the exact source and the way of how each symptom manifests.
ID Therapy team innovatively combines the types of therapy, to shorten the path to the solution and to diagnose directly in the context.

Integrative Therapy
A more flexible and sophisticated approach than traditional psychotherapy, a progressive form of psychotherapy, customized ...
More detailsID Therapy Team
We combine different psychotherapeutic solutions to map the exact source and the way of how each symptom manifests.
ID Therapy team innovatively combines those types of therapy to provide a shortcut to the solution and to have a diagnose directly into the context.
Make an appointment and treat your depression
Address: Naum Ramniceanu Street, no. 23, ap. 1,
Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania