Psychological and neurological differences There is no surprise when stating that men and women are different. The differences being not only physical but also the thought processes and the brain structure. This is not to say that one gender...
A CEO is not a Superman, although he/she always wants to play that role. They tend to see CEO coaching as a tool to correct a behavior, publicly. Oddly enough, instead of preserving the sport meaning of coaching as...
“Love and marriage go together like horse and carriage” is a basic truth. True is also the fact that marriages in which love dried out are left without their horse, meaning their locomotive power. Marriage counselors seem to have a...
There is more and more need in the nowadays business world of executive profiling for accurate matching between people and their places of works, accounting for a good source of intrinsic motivation, the most precious of all. This goes...
What is Virtual Reality Therapy? Virtual reality therapy (VR) offers a new human-computer paradigm in which users are no longer simple external observers of images on a computer screen but are active participants within a computer-generated-three-dimensional virtual world. Virtual environments...